Sunday, December 9, 2012

um, yeah...

Two things:

1. We got day care! Praise God, it worked out! 

2. The rest of this post might be a little hokey. It’s not like me to care about such things, but darn it, they’ve been on my mind!

Boy Meets World is revamping with Girl Meets World. Told you! 

Okay. Back in the 90s, I watched that show every week, from the time it started until the series finale. I was a fan of the early years (I was also ages 11 through 14 in those early years) and less of a fan in the later years. The relationship created for Cory and Topanga is one that I have often read about or heard about as the “perfect” relationship.

Really, I’m not making that up. This seems to be a sentiment held by people around my age who also grew up watching the show. It makes sense- Childhood friends who fall in love, go through hard times, overcome the difficulties to get married, and face the future together as a team. Classic love story. 

What bothers me is that it was SO CORNY. Oh. My. Gosh. So corny. “But,” one might argue, “you still watched it!” Well, yeah, I did, and I don’t even think I could explain why I still watched it (I was young? My friends watched it? The Feeny call?), but most episodes made me cringe once Cory and Topanga became a couple. Their relationship seemed so over done with really phony, overly emotional dialogue. 

Am I the only one who thought they were so fake? Does it even matter?? Not at all! It was a television show!! It’s just that so many people have been talking about it lately and it has been on my mind. So there you go. End of post.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Here we go.

Daycare is supposed to start soon. Originally, we intended to begin last summer, but a few things changed and we decided to hold off until December. I made sure via two different people that our down payment would hold us a spot in December. I was told it would both times…so after calling just now, I found out that we got a bit lost in their system. They might be able to provide a spot in December. Might. I only have an hour till they’re supposed to call and let me know for sure, but yikes!!!

I’m about 90 percent sure that it’ll all work out, but if they can’t take us we’ll be in a scramble to find another place. 

I suppose I'll be back soon with an update...

Friday, October 12, 2012

three thoughts

Nothing groundbreaking here

It’s just new mommy stuff to me

1. There is never enough time
I had so much time before baby. I would get bored. I had so much time that the house was always pretty clean, I could read multiple books in a week, I could watch movies, I could get stuff done in a manner that freed my time up to the point where…well, where I would be bored.

Now, I have time between the periods of happiness and fussiness. I have time during naps, which tend to be short. I have about four choices during these times – eat, shower, clean/run errands, or relax. Relaxing usually means no shower or no cleaning/errands. Or both, in which case I try to make sure it’s a day when nothing else is planned. OR, I can get up early and do some of those things before baby wakes up. That’s hard…I like sleep.

I can’t say I miss the boredom. It was boring. I do miss alone time, though!

2. Other moms
It’s so important to find them and build relationships with them! They understand! They make you feel less crazy! I’m so blessed to have some friends with kids. I also joined a MOPS group. It just started, but I think it might be one of the best things I’ll ever do.  

3. Working
I feel kind of spoiled because I enjoy my job so much. If I didn’t work, I don’t think I’d leave the house very often. I don’t think I’d see people outside of family very often. I think I’d probably have time to be bored again. It’s good I kept my job, even if I do find myself envying stay at home moms sometimes.

I hear another short nap coming to an end. Until next time!

Friday, August 31, 2012

sick momma

I was so sick Wednesday night. I’m pretty sure I ate a bad apple. It kept me up half the night. I couldn’t keep anything down on Thursday except water and a few crackers. I could hardly move for the stomach pain. Stayed in bed all day. It was a relief to wake up this morning and not feel terrible cramps. I can deal with the headache and weakness much more easily. 

My mom is the best. She watched Andrew all day Thursday while Nathan was at work. She came again this morning and stayed with him until my mother-in-law picked him up for an afternoon at her house. Andrew has the best grandparents. Nathan took care of him all evening (and did laundry!). He’s the best dad. While I could’ve taken care of him on my own, I know I would’ve been a miserable mess and I’m pretty sure he would’ve taken his cues from me and been his own mess.

Being sick as an adult is never easy because you don’t necessarily have access to the person you want most – your mommy, or whoever it was you turned to for comfort as a child. Being sick as a parent, however, feels a lot different now that I’ve experienced it. While I felt like I was wasting away in bed, I kept thinking, “I hope this is just food poisoning and not contagious and Andrew doesn’t get sick…” and, “What do mothers do if they don’t have help???” Seriously. No mother should be that alone in raising a child, but I know they are out there. 

I conclude this in an unfinished sort of way, because what do you do about those mothers? I really don’t know.

Monday, July 2, 2012

work it out

And it’s July!

That was fast.

Back to work about a month = success

Moving = success

Unpacking = near success

I get to decorate soon. I’m no good at decorating, but Nathan’s even worse, so it’s all me! It’ll be…interesting. Especially with a baby.

In the midst of moving, I fell off of my work out schedule. I fell off hard. I’ve mentioned it before, but I do not, do not, DO NOT enjoy exercising. I can do it, and I have done it, but I strongly dislike it. It’s very easy to stop and let several weeks (or months) pass before I return to it. 

Why do I dislike exercise so much? I don’t know if I have a good answer. Am I lazy? Well, yeah, to an extent. I’d rather sit and read than lift weights. I don’t like being sore, out of breath, hot and sweaty, and all of the other uncomfortable effects of working out. 

But. I want to be healthy. I want to be stronger. It’d be nice to lose some of the pregnancy weight that stayed with me. The motivation is simply not there. Nathan tells me that waiting for feelings of motivation is pointless…to reference Nike, just do it! 

He’s right. It’s just a matter of working out or not working out. I can do either, whether or not I feel like it. I only have to make myself do it that first time…again.

Monday, June 4, 2012

here we go

I go back to work on Wednesday!!! I can’t believe it has been 12 weeks! Where on earth did the time go?? 

The thing I’m most nervous about is that I’ll have forgotten how to do my job! Seriously. I haven’t given work much thought in the past 12 weeks, so I hope it all comes back to me, especially since I’ll be returning during the amazingly busy summer reading season.

I realized that last month marked one year since I’ve had my job at the library, and that’s one year minus 12 weeks. I never thought that the first job I really, truly enjoyed would be interrupted by a baby.

It was a good interruption.

The other source of nervousness is getting baby to day care on time. We had a nice surprise – day care will be done by our parents for a while. :) The day care we chose is great, but I love knowing he’ll be with family for now.

Returning to work, getting used to a new schedule and routine, and in two weeks there’ll be a new house. Crazy month! If 12 weeks flew by, I imagine I’ll be at the other side of June in a second or so…!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I am so much better. Being a new mommy is hard and it’s a lot of work, but it’s no longer dark and full of sadness, and for that I am thankful. I worry sometimes that I might fall back into it, what with returning to work in two weeks (!!!) and moving in a month. It’s easy to feel it when I’m tired and have a lot of things happening at once.

We sold our house. Pending a good inspection, we bought a new one! It’s almost everything we were looking for in a house, so we feel very blessed to have found it. 

Andrew is a good baby. He no longer spends the majority of every day crying (big relief), is sleeping through the night, has started smiling, and is growing way too fast for me! He also successfully spent his first night away from us so we could go to an out of state wedding. We are grateful for grandparents who are willing to watch him! 

Next month will be a challenge, but I think I can face it.

Matthew 19:26 "...with God all things are possible."