Monday, February 27, 2012


I’m hoping baby won’t come for at least four more days.

But I wouldn’t complain too much if labor started tonight…

I kind of want to make it past Leap Day and my birthday before baby day. Having the baby on either day doesn’t appeal to me. I guess I want baby to have his or her own day. Or I selfishly want my own birthday? Mom thing? Me thing? Something...

I’m so uncomfortable. Heartburn with every meal. Pulled muscles. Swelling. Stuffed up. Baby seems to like pushing on my bladder. Sitting…standing…moving…it all bothers me. 

Today, the doctor asked me if I would be interested in being induced next week if the baby didn’t arrive by the end of this week. I hadn’t expected that question. The nurses who taught the baby classes we took insisted that we absolutely would not be induced prior to the due date, barring any serious problems. With that in mind, I responded without giving it too much thought- “I was kind of planning on waiting till my due date.” My doctor was fine with that.

Then I got home and told Nathan and he seemed rather concerned that I hadn’t considered inducing early. That made me think that I probably appear to be more miserable than I realize. And, yes, as a matter of fact, Nathan does think I’m pretty miserable! 

So… I guess if I make it to next week’s appointment, I’ll question the doctor more closely about being induced. 

All, ultimately, is in God’s timing. In the meantime, I’m hauling myself off to bed. At least I can’t complain about discomfort when I sleep!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

names, or what I didn't know

Names were hard. They still ARE hard. We simply didn’t (and still can't quite) agree. I really didn't know a name could be so difficult.

My favorite boy name? It just happens to be the same name of the kid who bullied my husband as a young child. I’d love to go find this guy and punch him in the face. Ok, so I’d never be that drastic, but it was extremely disappointing to find out someone ruined my long-time favorite name by being a mean kid.

His favorite boy name? It didn’t drag up any bad memories from my past, but I simply didn’t like it.  Unfortunately for him, I’d never consider giving my child such a name.

Moving on to girls…

I love, love, love my favorite girl name. He, however, put his foot down. He said if he didn’t know how to spell it upon hearing it, he couldn’t live with it. I tried to bring him around to it, but to no avail. *SIGH*

His favorite girl name was actually ok. BUT…I know many wonderful ladies who have the same name. I would feel weird giving the baby a name that belongs to more than one of my friends. I just can’t do it!

We both made lists of names we like (or can at least tolerate). One boy name matched. He’s totally cool with it, and I like it, but I don’t love the nickname that comes with it. It would take me a while to get over that part. In fact, I’d rather no one ever use the nickname. That would be best, but it’s probably not realistic to hope for it.

The girl, on the other hand, is a name I’m totally cool with, but he can just tolerate it. I couldn’t wrap my mind around any of his other girl names, but he figured he could put up with this one that I chose.

So, we have our two names. We’re keeping them secret. Everyone will find out on birth day, which is coming soon (about 4 weeks!!). I’m sure baby will quickly become his or her name and we’ll be fine. But, man…what a process!