I think every blogger who cares about it has said everything there is to be said about Fifty Shades of Grey.
Here are my two cents anyway.
When I was working at the library reference desk a few years ago, a woman with a child in tow came up and asked me in a quiet voice if we had "the latest mommy porn book all the moms are talking about." I had heard about Fifty Shades of Grey, but that was the first time I paid attention. I had not yet heard "mommy porn," and I was a bit shocked she was searching for such a thing in the presence of a child. Shortly after, Fifty Shades became the next big thing, and I heard much more about it.
I found the fascination with the book to be confusing at first. It's not the first pornographic or erotic piece of fiction aimed at women. So, why did it become such a big deal? Why not another book? I think there are a few reasons. Fifty Shades started as Twilight fan fiction, so it was able to spring off of another hugely popular book series. Twilight already had a fan base of moms. Other blogs I've read have stated that porn use is on the rise among women. We live in a time when the media loves a shocking story, and "sex sells" is a well known adage. Combine it all, and Fifty Shades of Grey explodes into a big story.
Today, I was with a group of moms who started discussing the Fifty Shades of Grey movie. A couple of them made a really good point that is sticking with me: if we, as Christians, are not ok with Fifty Shades of Grey, then what else should we not be ok with? What about all the movies that portray sex outside of marriage as a good thing? I am a chick flick, romantic comedy kind of girl. But if I am ok watching movies where the characters jump into bed together outside of marriage, am I any better than the Christian woman going to see Fifty Shades of Grey at the theater? No. I'm really not. And that's not to mention any other sinful issues in my life.