What do I like about pregnancy?
I like that baby is moving and I can finally feel it. It’s subtle and doesn’t happen a lot yet, but there’s nothing quite like feeling those little movements. I also imagine it’s the only time I’ll like being kicked by my child, so I should enjoy it!
I love that baby is healthy so far. The last ultrasound was a little scary because I found out that I was at risk (a SMALL risk) for having a child with Down Syndrome. I opted to take the test that assesses risk for such things. You choose to take it; people often react with surprise when I tell them I had a test (“Do they test everyone for that??”)…you can choose to skip it altogether.
It was so small, I was surprised that my doctor even suggested I have further testing (in-depth ultrasound with a specialist), but she did and I had it. Although we were told that the ultrasound is not always accurate, it was very positive…good blood flow, a heart and stomach functioning as they should, a healthy spine, and no physical evidence of Down Syndrome. The specialist said I could have yet another test that IS always accurate, but it carries a risk of miscarriage and I’m happy enough with the first.
The biggest thing that this pregnancy has reinforced is that I’m not in control. I can do my best to be healthy, but I can in no way guarantee a healthy baby. That is completely in God’s hands and it seems that all of the Bible study I’ve done and teaching I’ve heard lately have somehow reiterated that idea. My small group is studying Ecclesiastes and the latest verse to stick is 3:14. “I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it.” He’s in control. Not me.
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