Monday, August 22, 2011

some catch up

Sometimes, I forget I have a blog.

The anniversary was fabulous and nearly gift-free. I got flowers and chocolates and he got...just a card. He knew that there was nothing he wanted within our budgetary means, so it worked out. But we had a fun weekend away at a bed and breakfast in Shipshewana.

The 4-Hour Body diet came to a screeching halt. After about two months, we decided it wasn't working. We probably weren't strict enough, as it followed SUPER strict guidelines. My husband decided to go back to the diet that worked for him last time he lost weight (light portions, and much more variety than the 4-Hour Body allowed) and I decided not to diet. But I do make an effort to eat better than I did before.

On that note, I need to figure out a tasty way to eat vegetables. I have never been a veggie lover. My mother-in-law recently made us some yummy cream of carrot soup, so I've been looking at cream soup recipes. I hear cream soups are not healthy, but homemade isn't looking too bad...they seem to be made primarily of milk and pureed veggies. It may be my next adventure in cooking...

Stay tuned for next time I remember I have a blog!