Friday, August 31, 2012

sick momma

I was so sick Wednesday night. I’m pretty sure I ate a bad apple. It kept me up half the night. I couldn’t keep anything down on Thursday except water and a few crackers. I could hardly move for the stomach pain. Stayed in bed all day. It was a relief to wake up this morning and not feel terrible cramps. I can deal with the headache and weakness much more easily. 

My mom is the best. She watched Andrew all day Thursday while Nathan was at work. She came again this morning and stayed with him until my mother-in-law picked him up for an afternoon at her house. Andrew has the best grandparents. Nathan took care of him all evening (and did laundry!). He’s the best dad. While I could’ve taken care of him on my own, I know I would’ve been a miserable mess and I’m pretty sure he would’ve taken his cues from me and been his own mess.

Being sick as an adult is never easy because you don’t necessarily have access to the person you want most – your mommy, or whoever it was you turned to for comfort as a child. Being sick as a parent, however, feels a lot different now that I’ve experienced it. While I felt like I was wasting away in bed, I kept thinking, “I hope this is just food poisoning and not contagious and Andrew doesn’t get sick…” and, “What do mothers do if they don’t have help???” Seriously. No mother should be that alone in raising a child, but I know they are out there. 

I conclude this in an unfinished sort of way, because what do you do about those mothers? I really don’t know.