Tuesday, January 14, 2014

on staying home

What do stay at home moms do all day?

Last week was my first official week as a sahm. We were still living with my parents because we were stuck in a snowstorm. It wasn’t too hard because I had their help and company. 

This is my first official week as a sahm without help. Ha. Thanks to my husband’s mad organizational skills, Andrew and I moved into our apartment on Saturday and we are pretty well settled three days later. 

And now…what am I supposed to do? I mean, yes, there are three meals a day and regular diaper changes and play and discipline, but I have no idea what kind of routine to create. It’s really weird to not have to be anywhere. It’s really weird to not know anyone within a ten minute driving distance. I can’t even get in my car and drive without the help of Google maps because I don’t know where anything is around here. Plus, it’s against the law to drive and use a phone. Which is good, but still. It makes going out feel like a pain, and then I just don’t do it.

Then there’s Andrew, who doesn’t sit in a stroller or cart very well. He wants to run and get into everything and the playgrounds are cold and yucky for another few months. He is another reason it’s hard to get out, even though I know he’s bursting at the seams to get out. It feels like chaos when I take him to a store, and so, well, I don’t. 

Ah, if only we’d moved in the springtime. Three and a half more months!

While I know routines and relationships and familiarity will come eventually, I still find myself wondering what stay at home moms do, because I feel like I am facing a lot of potential boredom! I’m guessing they go places and just deal with the fits of little ones. I’ll have to learn.

I’m starting to wonder if I’m not stay at home mom material. I know, I know, it’s way too soon to tell. It hasn’t even been a week. But that’s how bored I already am!

*I should clarify. I only have one child. My only stay-at-home stint was during maternity leave, and I battled some serious depression and physical pain at that time. I know plenty of sahm moms with more than one kid or a kid with extra needs who seem to always be busy. I know what stay at home moms “do,” this is mostly about how I have no idea what I am doing!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, I'm sorry to hear you're having all these troubles! Perhaps you can do more of the things you really enjoy doing, like reading, writing, scrapbooking, etc. Maybe you could join a Mom's group on Meetup.com? It sounds like Andrew would love to play outside and in the snow. If you're up for it, maybe it'd help him to get some energy out and be more calm later in a store? Just some ideas. In any case, I'll say a prayer for you all!

